Monday, November 26, 2012

December Bucket List

                                                   December 2012 Bucket List 

1. Bake Cookies (break-n-bake not allowed) Here's an easy sugar cookie recipe. Kids can decorate these bad boys for hours!

2. Take a walk. It's hard not to go into hibernate mode from now till April- so this month I want to bundle everyone up and go for a long walk. Get some fresh air! 

3. Make cinnamon/applesauce ornaments. I used to do this with my classroom when I taught, and now I would love to do it with my kiddos!
Scented Applesauce-Cinnamon Ornaments Recipe

4. Christmas Movie Day! I'll admit this is a selfish one, but I would love to lay in bed one morning and watch Christmas Movies. Hubby- can you make this happen? :) 

5. Take the kids shopping for someone in need. Great lesson in giving!

6. Go on a night drive to see the Christmas Lights...and perhaps a window shopping trip at the outlets. Michigan City has a great light display and shopping right next to it! ;) 

7. Color Christmas pictures to mail to family...sweet and simple bonding time. 

8. Game Night! 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Stocking Stuffer Ideas- Preschool & Toddler Age

It's that time of year- holiday hustle and bustle! I've been racking my brain to think of some practical (and cheap!) stocking stuffer ideas for the wee ones. Here are my thoughts:

1. Crayons (the glitter ones are pretty snazzy!)

2. Lush Brand Soap/Play Dough- (pictured left) kids can mold and sculpt and wash all at once! 

3. A Veggie-Tales movie- who doesn't love Christian Vegetables!?

4. Flash Cards-From shapes to multiplication, there are flash cards for nearly everything! And, if you wanna get creative Santa could "make" special flash cards for your kiddo's individual needs :) 

5. Fun Bandaids- I don't know about you, but my children go crazy for printed bandaids! And, it's a plus for me b/c it helps restock the boo-boo stash!

6. Food Coloring- Random, I know. Those little bottles can provide plenty of winter fun, tho. Take them outside and let the kids squeeze and make multi-colored snow creations. 

7. A Magazine- My two-year old will spend 30 minutes looking at a monster truck magazine. 
And as parents, we all know, a lot can get done in 30 minutes! Ranger Rick and Highlights are great choices if you want a child-specific choice. 

8. A Bird Feeder- Whether you pick one the can paint themselves, or a plastic one ready to go, it's fun to let little ones pick their own spot to hang a feeder for the birdies this winter. 

9. Glow Sticks- They make a good nightlight and a fun tub toy- for a super cheap price! 

10. A Gift Card for your child's favorite place- the ol' stand by. Claires, Bath & Body Works, Barnes & Noble and Noodles & Company are popular at our house. 

Hope this helps get your shopping juices flowing!